There is nothing bad or unusual about being scared if you wind up being diagnosed with a serious illness. Many of us will face fear, but the important thing to focus on is that help can be found and there are things that we can do to seek the best treatment if we do end up being diagnosed with something such as rectal cancer. Usually, you will see a specialist or two who will have more that they can do for you than a normal primary care physician would be able to do. In this case, it is not uncommon to be advised to pursue surgery and while that might not sound pleasant, lives saving procedures are always worth considering very seriously. There are many different paths that a person might decide to take in order to get the kind of healing they need and a good doctor will be able to let you know what all of your choices are.
It should be noted that there are things we can do to try to stay healthy after cancer has been removed, too. One of the first places to start is with diet and exercise. Obviously, it is important to eat right and stay active as this is a good way to fight disease, but staying as free from stress as possible is important, too. Get your rest and make sure that you are drinking the eight cups of water a day that is recommended for the average adult today.